Tuesday, January 4, 2011

so, yikes! school.

hello blog world.
as im sitting here watching extreme home makeover, i decided it's time for me to start blogging more often.
i keep looking out my window (because its open) becuase its 12321124million degrees in my room thinking that next year that wont be the view out my window..
i wont be able to just call my friends and tell them that i want to hang out NOW.
well. school starts tomorrow, last semester. omgsh!
i can't wait actually... i love school!
im excited to see where this last semester leads.
to be with my friends.
to learn ;)
to be a senior.
to prepare.
this year starting as of januar 1st, i'm doing a program called OWNit365 along with my church where i am going to read through the bible this year. and i'm so excited. i'm excited to grow and learn and prosper in my relationship with the Lord.
so.. if you're reading this. pray.
pray for me.
pray for our friends.
pray for your school and teacher.
pray for your families.
pray for your realtionship with Christ.
pray for health.
praise the lord for your health.
praise the lord for the blessings that each and every one of you posses.
praise the lord.
i know this post was a little crazy and not so organized.. but thats where my thoughts are right now.

peace.love.school/jesus/praisin the Lord.


  1. allyson get a life
    this is jeff
    but forrreal come to south

  2. you are mean.
    become a follower.. i need more.

  3. Hi AllyBear!
    Ash and I love you and we think you are the bestest!!

  4. ALY! i love it :) ownit365 !! yayayay :)
