well i was doing good with the posts.. anddd then i slacked off.
but, heres an update.
recently, in the month of january, we have not had one full week of school due to: holidays, winter break, etc, & SNOW DAYS. OH YEAHH!!!
so, on these 25346534580987654 snow days we had, we became obsessed with the game Clue FX. Now this is no normal clue game with miss. scarlet & colonel mustard, this game talks.
we were enthralled so to speak.
now with allie as lord gray, court dog as princess peach, munyan as lady lavender, and i as prince azure, we rocked this game.. playing multiple rounds!!
what can we say... WE ARE OBSESSED.
we discussed the different ways in which we could bring clue fx and play it at school.. maybe on the plane to trinidad.. maybe in trinidad.
so, to sum it up we love clue fx.
although we did play clue for hours on end, we ate bo lings (the bomb chinese), watched our favorite show... CRIMINAL MINDS... and now teen mom, hot tubbed, and hung out with our friends.
peace. love. clue FX