hello friends.
i bet you've all been wondering when this next post will finally be posted.. (;
but, here's the thing. for our senior year we decided that we needed to document EVERYTHING that went down.. so obviously, we bought a flip camera. and with that flip camera i (allyson) have been putting together a movie for our senior year of everything that we have done, did, doing, will do. now here's the good part, we decided that we would put this video on the blog to share with you all.. but funny thing is, you can only add videos that are 100mb or less.. so before we get to share our story on film with you.. we have to work out the technical differences.
so anyways, tonight us, our best friends, and megans mom went out to dinner at blanc burgers for allies birthday.. and let me tell you, it was DElicious. mm.. so good just thinking about it. we deffinently had a great time and it's still so fun to think of baby allies officially an adult. after dinner we had the boys "kidnap" allie and we had an exciting scavenger hunt planned that kinda fell through but we had a great time celebrating allies birthday anyway.
SOOO anyway.. after this novel long post.. here are some pics so you can see what it was really all about ;)
these are our best friends. i love you all.
southside. rep ittttt.
this pic pretty much sums up a whole lot of our night.
this is how we felt after dinner.. happy & full :))
this is a little rough.. but that green and white fabric you see there.. yeah, thats allie.. being kidnapped. sorry little one.
well, i hope you enjoyed our second post.